Executive Board

The WAU Executive Board generally meets once a month on the second Friday of the month. Meeting minutes are posted on our Governance page. The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and four Members at Large are elected by the general membership. Terms are for two years. Elections take place in April of each year.

The Contract Enforcement Team officers and the Information Coordinator are appointed by the elected members of the Executive Board at the first meeting of the fall semester. Their terms are for one year. The chairs for Council, Academic Staff Steering Committee, and Teaching Faculty Committee are elected by Council representatives, academic staff, and teaching faculty, respectively.

Jennifer Sheridan Moss, President
Kess Ballentine, Vice-President
Ali Salamey, Treasurer
Jeremy Milloy, Secretary
Linda Beale, Member-at-Large
Anglesia Brown , Member-at-Large
David Goldberg , Member-at-Large
Meghan McGowan, Member-at-Large

Ryan Mitchell, Information Coordinator
Joshua Neds-Fox, Council Chair
Mike Dutkewych, Academic Staff Steering Committee Chair
Sean Hickey, Teaching Faculty Committee Chair

Contract Implementation Officers:

Heather Sandlin and Anglesia Brown, Academic Staff
Christine Knapp, Faculty

Grievance Coordinators:

Kristen Chinery, Academic Staff
Pramod Khosla, Faculty