The WAU Council mobilizes members to address issues facing the union, makes recommendations to the Executive Board, and assists the bargaining team during contract negotiations. Council representatives (council reps) are selected by union members in their respective units, departments, or divisions to represent those members’ interests. Council reps perform a vital role by relaying information between members and union leadership and serving as points of contact for members who have questions or concerns. If you do not have a council rep, contact the council chair to learn how to elect one!
Council Chair: Joshua Neds-Fox
Council Secretary: Deanna Cavanaugh
College of Education
Academic Services Education: Deborah Gibson
Teacher Education: Thomas Pedroni, Lori Lucas
College of Engineering
College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts
Art, Art History, and Design: Evan Larson-Voltz, Claas Kuhnen, Heather Mawson
Communication: Jessica Greenwald, Patricia McCormick, Anita Mixon
Theatre and Dance: Karen Prall, Foster Johns
Music: Jack Blaszkiewicz
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
African American Studies: Navid Farnia, Kefentse Chike
Anthropology: Andrew Newman, Jessica Robbins-Panko
Biological Sciences: Krystyn Purvis
Chemistry: Sean Hickey
CMLLC: Teresa Pickering, Maha Saker
Criminal Justice: Bibi Ahmed, Shanhe Jiang
English: Kathy Elrick
Environmental Sciences/Geology: John Niedermiller
History: Reyna Esquivel-King
Mathematics: Monika Saladiak
Nutrition & Food Science: Paul Burghardt, Deanna Cavanaugh
Physics & Astronomy: Dawn Niedermiller
Political Science: Emily Reetz
Psychology: Alia Allen
Public Health: Eric Kessell, Ronnie Alvarez
Sociology: Stacie Moser, Nicole Trujillo-Pagan
Urban Planning: Jeff Horner
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Applied Health Sciences: Ryan Mitchell
Dean’s Office: Robert Hellar, Jessica Pfeiffer
Physical Therapy: Jennifer Dickson
Honors College
Law School
Reuther: Kristen Chinery
Central Libraries: Joshua Neds-Fox, Michael Bradford
School of Information Sciences: Amber Harrison, Dian Walster
Lisa Blair, Randon Jenkins, Nicole Wheeler
Anne Di Iorio-Fitzpatrick, Stephanie Kastely,
Provost & VP Academic Affairs
International Students and Scholars: Sofia Malynowskyj
School of Business
Student Services: Heather Laskos
School of Medicine
Family Medicine: Erin Madden
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access: Joseph Weertz
Oncology: Lauren Hamel, Hugo Jimenez, Morhaf Al Achkar
Pathology: Rachael Hone
Radiation Oncology: Michael Joiner
School of Social Work
Student Affairs
ACES: Awanda Jeffries
Admissions: Smriti Panda, Elizabeth Wawro
Advising Center: Denise Thomas
DOSO: Celine Shamoun
Educational Outreach: Gail Stanford
Financial Aid: Daisy Cordero
Placement Services: Arlinda Pringle
Student Disability Services: Ashley Hodge, Kristen Swan