Coalition of Unions

Chair: Maureen Kemp, IUOE 324
Secretary: Kess Ballentine, WAU 6075

WAU is proud to work in coalition with all of the other unions on campus. Our sibling academic and staff unions are:


Part-time faculty are represented by the Union of Part Time Faculty, AFT Local 477. This includes any faculty employed less than 50% time.


Graduate employees are represented by the Graduate Employees’ Organizing Committee, AFT Local 6123. This includes GTAs and GRAs.


Employees working in professional and administrative staff classifications are represented by UAW Local 1979, the Professional and Administrative Union.

Staff Association

Many staff falling into other classifications are represented by UAW Local 2071, the WSU Staff Association.

Workers at WSU are represented by:

AFSCME Local 1497, custodians, groundskeepers, animal caretakers, mail carriers
Elevator Constructors Local 36
IBEW Local 58, electricians
IUOE Local 324, operating engineers
SEIU Local 517-M, custodial supervisors
Michigan Building and Construction Trades
Police Officers Association, WSU police
Resident Advisors United
Teamsters Local 337, dining workers
UNITE HERE! Local 24, janitors

If you’re a worker at WSU and you do not have union representation but you want it, we’d love to help you get organized. Check out Emergency Workplace Organizing or simply reach out for a confidential conversation.