Special Election: Executive Board

Candidate for President: Jenni Sheridan Moss

As I enter my 29th year as a member of our union, I am encouraged by the positive direction we are taking. Under Danielle, WAU has become more democratic and more transparent. These changes have led to the most energized membership I have witnessed. It is important that we do not lose this momentum. We are strong; we can be stronger.

I will not run WAU the way our administration runs the WSU, where all decisions are made at the top. Our union, like a well-run university, should have true shared governance. The president of the union should activate and develop the leadership capacities of all members. The union is OURS.

One focus of my term will be activating more faculty. Our academic staff members are currently doing most of the heavy lifting in our union, and I appreciate their dedication and enthusiasm. But more faculty, particularly those in the tenure stream, need to step up and use their privilege to lift up all our members.

I would also like to work toward changing our language around advisors, librarians, financial aid officers, ASOs, and other non-faculty members of our union. These folks are degreed professionals, not clerical workers as the administrators, and unfortunately some faculty, see them. They deserve far more respect – and also more pay – than they currently get.

We are at a critical stage right now as we work toward a resolution of our contract that improves all our working conditions and compensation. I believe that my experience as a member of the executive board, two negotiating teams, and as chair of the Council of Representatives, positions me to take on this responsibility.

Keep in mind our university mission statement:

We create and advance knowledge, prepare a diverse student body to thrive, and positively impact local and global communities.

WE are the ones who do these things. It is OUR university. If we keep this in mind, the members of our union can continue to make WSU the excellent university that it is.


WAU News: August


Merit presentation