Pramod Khosla named chief negotiator

At its July meeting, WAU’s Executive Board voted to appoint Pramod Khosla to serve as Chief Negotiator for the 2024 round of contract negotiations. Pramod is a professor in the department of Nutrition and Food Science and was a member of the 2021 bargaining team. He has served as Grievance Coordinator for faculty for the last year, and prior to that he served as Contract Implementation Officer. He has worked closely with the union's legal counsel on a variety of grievance and contractual issues. Pramod is uniquely qualified to take on the role of Chief Negotiator.

The Executive Board hopes to appoint the full bargaining team at its August 11 Executive Board meeting. The process for selection of the bargaining team is described in our bylaws, which can be found here. Beyond the core team, a number of subcommittees will work on specific areas which may include benefits, communications, workload distribution, equity adjustments and merit pay, a contract action team, issues specific to non-tenure-track faculty or academic staff, etc. Subcommittees will be formed this fall. If you’d like to work on any of these please email


TFC Picnic


WAU members attend AAUP Summer Institute in Vermont